
Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is opening your wardrobe and seeing the clothes you bought for yourself using your own money.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is coming home after a long, tiring day and seeing there is tea ready for you.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is knowing you can go for a movie, whenever you want.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is when you realise you can eat ice cream when you feel like, but you won’t.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is knowing that even miles apart, I have friends who can soothe me with silence over the phone.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is knowing the silence surrounding you comes from calm and not from pain.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is knowing that you’ll be okay.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is you making your own happiness.

Do you know what Heaven is?

Heaven is this very moment.

Heaven is now.